Wild mushroom pizza with truffle seaweed

wild mushroom pizza
Pizza needs no introduction! We’ve gone all out with this recipe – it has seaweed in the dough, seaweed in the sauce, and seaweed on top! There’s a little more effort involved with making your own pizza dough but trust us – it is SO worth the extra effort. Of course, if you’re looking for a quick and easy meal then it’s fine to buy a ready-made pizza base from the store, but then you miss out on all the added seaweed goodness! This recipe is one to use if you’re throwing a pizza party, as the quantities for the sauce will yield about 4 portions. If you don’t want to make 4 pizzas, then the sauce can be refrigerated and used at a later date.
Makes 1 pizza, with sauce to spare


150g double cream
150g buffalo mozzarella
1 lemon
100g grated mozzarella
10g grated parmesan
10g Truffle Seaweed Salt
500g wild mushrooms, cut to bitesize pieces
190g seaweed pizza dough
2 tbsp olive oil
Black pepper


First, make the white sauce. Tear the buffalo mozzarella into small pieces. Set in a bowl, and then add the zest from the whole lemon, and the juice from half. Add the parmesan and half of the Truffle Seaweed Salt, and mix well.
Preheat the oven to 300°C. Take the pizza dough and shape into a circle roughly 30cm in diameter. Spoon over a thin layer of the white sauce, and spread until the base is evenly coated.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan. When smoking, add the wild mushrooms, and fry with a little salt until they begin to crisp up at the edges.
Scatter the mushrooms over the pizza base and top with the grated mozzarella. Bake for 10 minutes, then finish with a good grind of black pepper and the remaining Truffle Seaweed Salt.

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Recipe product

The unique taste of ocean truffle blended with Norwegian sea salt. Truffle Seaweed Salt has flavour notes of white truffles and oysters - there is no other taste like it! This vegan, gluten-free salt is for the true foodie. Truffle seaweed is especially flavoursome when used with fats like butter, cream and oil. Packaged using zero plastic and with an award-winning design, this product makes a wonderful gift.
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