Japansk suppekraft (Dashi)

bowl of dashi
Dashi is a Japanese soup stock which forms the base of many dishes. The oarweed infuses the water with its smoky umami flavour, and the Lofoten Umami provides a complexity that lends itself very well to Asian-inspired cuisine. Not only that, but dashi is incredibly quick to make – taking under an hour from start to finish. You don’t need to spend 48 hours simmering bones to get a delicious broth when you have seaweed to hand! Use dashi to create all sorts of stews and soups, or you could even whisk it with flour to make Japanese savoury pancakes (okonomiyaki).
Makes 8 portions


2 litres water
25g dried oarweed
2 tbsp Lofoten Umami


Put the water in a large saucepan and add the oarweed. Let stand for 35 – 45 minutes, then bring to a boil over a medium heat. When the water is boiling, remove from the heat, and remove the oarweed using a slotted spoon.
Add the Lofoten Umami to the stock, and return to a low heat. Simmer gently for 5 minutes, then remove from the heat once more and allow to stand for 15 minutes.
Strain through a muslin-lined sieve if you want a clear stock, or skip this step for a more textured dashi.

If you enjoyed making dashi, why not try this recipe for winged kelp salad with noodles and prawns?

Oppskrifts produkt

Umami er den femte smaken og finnes i store mengder i både tang og tørrfisk. Denne naturlige smaksbomben inneholder tang, tørrfisk og sesamfrø, som er en kombinasjon vi har hentet fra gamle japanske mattradisjoner. Den ultimate smaksforsterkeren fra havet og et sunt og godt alternativ til salt. Et allround-krydder som gir det lille ekstra! ✓ Økologisk serifisert tang ✓ Bærekraftig høstet tang fra Lofoten ✓ Tørrfisk fra Lofoten ✓ Sesamfrø fra Japan ✓ Inneholder vitaminer og mineraler ✓ Naturlig kilde til jod ✓ Perfekt gave fra havet

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