Fylte kyllingbryste med mozzarella og soltørkede tomater

stuffed chicken with lofoten seaweed
This classic flavour combination – sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, mozzarella and roast chicken – is complimented by Lofoten Seaweed’s BBQ & Meat spice blend – a hot and smoky mix of smoked paprika, chilli, garlic and winged kelp. Serve alongside a fresh green salad for lunch, or hearty rice and beans for dinner. You could even serve this on it’s own as a starter! Made using spinach and kelp, this dish is nutrient rich, full of vitamins, minerals and of course, delicious umami flavour.
Makes 3 portions


3 large chicken breasts
100g buffalo mozzarella, cubed
50g baby spinach
70g sun-dried tomatoes, sliced
BBQ & Meat spice blend
4 tbsp olive oil


Heat half the oil in a frying pan. Add the tomatoes and spinach, season with the BBQ & Meat spice blend. Toss until coated, then fry until the spinach is tender. Remove from the heat, and allow to cool.
In a bowl, mix the mozzarella with the spinach and tomatoes. Set aside.
Using a knife, carefully slice a pocket in each chicken breast, starting at the thick side of the breast. Fill each breast with the stuffing mixture.
Drizzle the stuffed breasts with the remaining oil, and season with the BBQ & Meat spice blend. Allow to marinate for 15 minutes.
Whilst the chicken is marinating, preheat the oven to 190°C, and line a tray with baking paper. Bake the stuffed chicken breasts for around 20 minutes, or until the juices run clear. Allow to rest for 5 minutes before serving.

Like the look of these stuffed chicken breasts? Why not make this tomato and seaweed bruschetta to go with them?

Oppskrifts produkt

Vårt nye grillkrydder med smak av røkt paprika, chili og rosmarin. Ingrediensene er 100% naturlige og inneholder økologisk tare fra Lofoten som gir den runde gode umami smaken. Tang og tare er verdens mest næringsrike plante, som bonus får du ekstra vitaminer og mineraler til måltidet. Med denne fyldige blandingen får du alt du trenger for en smakfull middag. ✓ Bærekraftig og økologisk tare fra Lofoten ✓ 100% naturlige råvarer ✓ Perfekt for vegansk og plantebasert kosthold ✓ Vitaminer og mineraler ✓ Naturlig kilde til jod ✓ Glutenfritt ✓ Fleksibel og smart emballasje ✓ Innovativ åpningsmekanisme

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