Kantareller pasta med spinat og tang

creamy pasta with chanterelles spinach and seaweed spice mix
Chanterelles are amazing! During September and October they grow in abundance in the forests of Lofoten, and are a prize catch for any forager. In this recipe, chanterelles are combined with our seaweed tagliatelle and spinach for an earthy, comforting meal which is incredibly nutrient-dense. This dish is seasoned with Lofoten Seaweed’s Wok & Greens spice blend – a fragrant, aromatic blend of garlic, coriander, lime and winged kelp. Our seaweed tagliatelle is great for saucy dishes, as it’s very subtle texture allows sauces to cling to it easily. However, normal tagliatelle works great as well. Similarly, if you don’t have chanterelles to hand, just substitute your favourite mushrooms – whether they’re picked from the forest or the supermarket shelves, it’s still going to taste great!
Makes 4 portions


250g Seaweed tagliatelle
300g chanterelle mushrooms
100g baby spinach
80ml dry white wine
150ml double cream
3 tbsp olive oil
Wok & Greens spice blend
2 tbsp Arctic Seaweed Salt
80g parmesan cheese, grated
Black pepper


Bring 4 litres of salted water to boil. Add the pasta and cook for 4 minutes, until al dente. Drain the pasta, keeping one cup of the cooking water aside.
In a large frying pan, heat the olive oil over a high heat. Add the mushrooms and sear for 2 – 3 minutes. Add the Wok & Greens seasoning and stir to coat.
Reduce the heat to medium low. Add the white wine, and allow to simmer until the volume has been reduced by two thirds.
Add the cream and spinach. Simmer for a few minutes more until the sauce is thick and the spinach wilted.
Combine the sauce with the cooked pasta. If the sauce is too thick, you can loosen it with a dash of the retained pasta water from earlier. Check for seasoning and adjust as necessary.
Divide between four warm bowls, and finish with a dusting of grated parmesan and black pepper.

If you enjoyed this seaweed tagliatelle with spinach and chanterelles, you might like the following recipes:

Oppskrifts produkt

Krydre grønnsakene, ris og nudler med denne aromatiske krydderblandingen: hvitløk, koriander, lime og økologisk butare fra Lofoten. Innovativ emballasjeteknologi og 100 % naturlige smaker. Denne blandingen av naturlige ingredienser inneholder 30 % økologisk tare, som har en høy konsentrasjon av umami, og er full av vitaminer og mineraler. Wok & Greens har en rund og intens smak, som gjør den til en komplett krydderløsning for sunne, deilige måltider. Laget for kokker som bryr seg om 100 % naturlige, bærekraftige ingredienser, og som ønsker å tilføre smak og næring til måltidene sine med noen få enkle shakes. Plantebasert, glutenfri og helt deilig ... det er enkelt å lage mat med tang!

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