Tang aioli

aioli with lofoten seaweed arctic ocean greens
Aioli is sharp and rich, fragrant and creamy all in one! Originally from the Mediterranean, aioli has become popular all over the world. It goes with everything, and it’s endlessly customisable. We like ours with seaweed, because it gives an extra boost of vitamins and minerals, not to mention a lovely umami flavour which brings out the notes of the other ingredients. Traditional aioli is made without egg yolks, but it’s more common these days to use them to help emulsify the oil and bring that luxurious texture to the finished sauce.


1 egg yolk
1 tbsp mustard
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tbsp Arctic Ocean Greens
3 tbsp water
1 tsp Arctic Seaweed Salt
180ml neutral oil
3 garlic cloves, minced


Soak the Arctic Ocean Greens in the water for 15 minutes.
In a food processor, add all the ingredients except for the oil and seaweed salt. Blend together, then whilst the processor is running on a low speed, slowly add the oil in a steady drizzle.
When the aioli is thick and smooth, season to taste with the seaweed salt.

Hvis du likte denne tang aioli, vil du kanskje like disse oppskriftene:

Oppskrifts produkt

Visste du at tang og tare er de mest næringsrike plantene på planeten?  Gi deg selv et boost med vitaminer og mineraler med et liten dæsj om dagen.  Arctic Ocean Greens er en naturlige blanding av butare og søl, med en god smak av umami. Helt enkelt- dryss påmaten din.
✓ Økologisk sertifisert ✓ Bærekraftig høstet i Lofoten ✓ 100% naturlig ✓ Perfekt for vegansk og plantebasert kosthold ✓ Full av vitaminer og mineraler ✓ Naturlig kilde til jod ✓ Glutenfritt ✓ Saltfritt ✓ Perfekt gave fra havet

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