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Feature in Dutch Vismagazine


Vismagazine visits Napp

Vismagazine came to visit us from the Netherlands this fall, and they’ve written a fabulous article about us, what we do and our future vision.

We are constantly looking for new partners to collaborate with, and we are proud to be recognised as a provider of exceptional, high-quality seaweed. We also had a great time spending the day with them, and chatting about why we love what we do so much. Head chef Jacek explained why we in the west aren’t used to cooking with seaweed:

“People don’t know what to do with it. There are no fathers and mothers, grandfathers or grandmothers who can tell what they used to do with seaweed, because the west has hardly any history with seaweed.”

Read about their impressions of Lofoten, our seaweed and a day together with us and our team here:

De ambities van Lofoten Seaweed Company | Vismagazine